About the year 1751, a grant of land was given to Mr. George Deakins by King George II, of England, in payment of a debt. According to the terms, Mr. Deakins was to receive 600 acres of land anywhere he chose in Western Maryland. Mr. Deakins sent out two corps of engineers, each without knowledge of the other group, to survey the best land in the area.
After the survey, the engineers returned with their maps of the plots they had surveyed. To their surprise, they discovered they had surveyed a tract of land starting at the same tall Oak tree and returning to the start point. Mr. Deakins chose this plot of ground and had it patented “The Accident Tract;” hence, the name of the town.
The area around Accident was laid out in military lots and was given to Revolutionary War soldiers in lieu of cash for services rendered. Most soldiers sold their lots and never lived in Western Maryland.
Accident is also home to The Drane House. The Drane House is believed to be the oldest standing structure in Garrett County. Built in 1797, the House was last occupied in 1952, and entered the National Register of Historical Places in 1985. The Drane House is used throughout the year during Accident's 4th of July Homecoming, the Cancer Awareness Tea, and annual Cookie sale.